The Important Factor that Nurses and Med Techs Ignore When Applying to the U.S.

A simple check in a nurse’s social media news feed would already reveal how aggressive the U.S. healthcare recruitment industry has become. What started as simple chances at the American Dream years ago has now evolved into thousands of USRN and U.S. Med Tech opportunities, each boasting its own set of compensation, benefits, and unique advantages.
There are temporary staffing agency vacancies and direct hire ones. There are E.B.-3 visa immigrant visa opportunities, and ones for H.1.-B working visas. There are opportunities that offer signing and referral bonuses, whereas others offer free NCLEX and / or IELTS review programs. There are vacancies that offer placement in most U.S. states, and ones that are proud of their facilities’ hourly rates. It’s nice to have a lot of options of course, but it can be all the more confusing to aspiring USRNs and Med Techs. Because when you’re being bombarded with all of these information, how can you tell which ones are more important?

USRN and Med Tech employers can say all the compensation, benefits and advantages that they want, but there is one factor that only our U.S. client will be able to boast of: length of experience. For a country whose healthcare application process is long, comprehensive, costly and unpredictable, it’s actually surprising how a U.S. employer’s tenure is rarely recognized as an important advantage in choosing one. It may be because it sounds boring compared to those high cash bonuses or it lacks pizzazz in comparison to those new players in the industry…But it actually holds so much value that nurses usually disregard. Here are the reasons why a U.S. employer’s length of experience matters.
1. Guaranteed Expertise in the Process. A U.S. employer with decades of experience would’ve likely deployed a good number of USRNs and Med Techs by now. As it has undergone the recruitment process so many times, you are assured of its familiarity with it. Solving problems with immigration or addressing issues with a U.S. state’s nursing board will be so elementary to it, as opposed to a new institution that has yet to learn how to deal with these on instinct.
2. Proven Financial Stability. You won’t see a tenured U.S. employer experimenting with crazy cash incentives or untested special programs because they’ve already learned how to play the long game. Through decades of trying out various recruitment / marketing activities and carefully studying what have worked, it has eventually come up with its own tried-and tested formula. Yes, it might try out some new activities every now and then, but it generally plays safe and sticks to the strategies that have worked in the past. Tenured employers want to be around for even longer, so it values the sustainability of its business through being careful and deliberate with its actions.
3. Reliability Amidst A Constantly Changing World. Closely related to number 2 above, a tenured U.S. employer will lean in to “slowly but surely” most times. It will prioritize what will surely and legally get a nurse to the U.S., over what’s fast and convenient. It will conduct recruitment in a manner that it can sustain, instead of conducting it through expensive solutions that are only feasible at the start. Our U.S. client has witnessed so many industry players come and go, and it’s usually the ones who are as mindful and as intentional as them that stays around.

Want to know more about the importance of a U.S. employer’s experience? Come and attend Make It Epic!, a virtual event on August 25 4pm PH time that will talk about Epic International Staffing, our U.S. employer with decades of experience! Here, Epic’s Pauline Xavier (Epic Vice President – Immigration) and Naseem Kasam (Epic Vice President – Recruiting) will talk about how its acquisition of Vintage Health Resources and Guardian Health Providers will give Nurses and Med Techs the best U.S. opportunities, thanks to their length of experience in the industry.
All Philippine Registered Nurses and Med Techs are invited, and it will be conducted FREE of charge! For slot reservations, register at or You may also contact Tine at +63966- 481 0289 for questions and concerns.