If you are a foreign company who is interested in hiring Filipino workers, you will have to work through a recruitment agency licensed by the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) to select and process the workers.
Through the POEA, the Philippine government is able to closely monitor the activities of companies engaged in the deployment of Filipino workers for jobs in other countries. Every Filipino worker has to go through a process that will ensure he is registered with the POEA; that he has read his rights as a worker in the destination country; and that he knows where he is going and what he is getting into. This process is administered for the worker by a licensed agency.
The first step for a company to be able to work with an agency is by getting itself accredited as the agency’s employer first. There are different accreditation requirements for foreign companies, depending on where these companies are domiciled, but generally, four important documents are asked:
Recruitment Service Agreement
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Business License
Proof that the foreign company is an operational one and is authorized or has the the capability to recruit workers in the Philippines
Manpower Request
Company’s formal request for the positions it needs, together with their corresponding quantities and salaries
Master Employment Contract
Reference document for all future Employment Contracts indicating the agreements between the company and its employee
Normally, a company would have to submit these to the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) stationed in its country to have the documents verified. Verification through the POLO usually takes around one (1) month, depending on the compliance of the documents to POEA rules and regulations.
Once verified, the company will submit these to its chosen agency, who will then process them with the POEA for accreditation. This will possibly take another month, again depending on the documents’ compliance to rules and regulations. Fortunately, companies do not have to go through this tedious process if they choose to hire ABBA. As a POEA Awardee of Excellence, companies who get accredited through ABBA would not have to go to the POLO anymore. They can submit the 4 requirements directly to our agency so that we can process them with the POEA immediately.
ABBA as a licensed agency will perform all activities needed in hiring and eventually deploying workers for a foreign company; sourcing for applicants, advertising for vacancies, interviewing and pre-qualifying candidates, processing the selected candidates, giving them orientation and facilitating their departure.
The fees of ABBA vary, depending on the number of workers required, the length of time that the workers will be processed, and the complexity of the requirements. Generally, we will ask questions about a number of things before we quote our prices.