Make sure your recruiter is a legitimate ABBA recruiter! Here are the official photos, records and contact details of all of our recruitment officers. Feel free to get in touch with them should you have any questions or concerns about our company and vacancies.
If your ABBA recruiter is not in this list, kindly contact Ms. Flor Bacani through +63917-853 2860 / +63939-190 3420 for verification. You may be dealing with someone who's not even connected with our agency.
Jossel Asis
jossel.asis@abba.ph / +63917-158 6394 / +63918-286 1940
Recruitment Supervisor and Project Manager
Managed the biggest UK job order of the company with 20 Trusts accredited at the DMW
Karla Flores
karla.flores@abba.ph / +63917-531 2600
Recruitment Supervisor and Project Manager
Pioneered several projects including ABBA’s Marketing Standards and Practices; Abba.ph Apply Online System; and ABBA’s sister company Tracker, an overseas licensing agency
Janet Pangadlin
janet.pangadlin@abba.ph / +63917-158 6908 / +63918-286 1897
Recruitment Supervisor and Project Manager
Led more than 100 recruitment campaigns, including to three biggest government hospitals in KSA
Nissy Vergara
nissy.tolentino@abba.ph / +63917-703 6197 / +63918-286 1947
Recruitment Supervisor and Project Manager
Pioneered the deployment processing within the company of Nurses and Doctors bound to Germany and Maldives, as well as Careworkers going to Japan
Rose Neth Falsado
roseneth.falsado@abba.ph / +63917-704 7380 / +63918-286 1880
Senior Recruitment Specialist
Rossa Katrina Silva
rossa.silva@abba.ph / +63917-704 5081 / +63918-286 1876
Senior Recruitment Specialist
Kazandra Azucena
kazandra.azucena@abba.ph / +63917-118 9277 / +63939-190 3415
Senior Recruitment Specialist

Desiree Rose Pongyan
desiree.pongyan@abba.ph / +63917-703 6871 / +63918-286 1905
Recruitment Specialist

Chermaye Francezka Gumpal
maye.gumpal@abba.ph / +63917-115 5383 / +63969-028 9555
Recruitment Assistant