How to Ace the NCLEX to Enjoy Visa Solutions Healthcare’s Direct Hire Benefits

Nursing shortage is pretty commonplace in various countries all over the world, and the United States is undoubtedly one of them. With its aging population and growing prevalence of chronic diseases, the demand for nurses in the U.S. continues to grow. Its need for more nursing professionals just couldn’t be addressed by its local population anymore, thus, its efforts to hire nurses from other countries such as the Philippines.
Philippine nurses appreciate these opportunities of course: Because even with the increasing demand for nurses in other countries, the United States remains to be their top-of-mind destination for working at and permanently settling in. The U.S.’ progressive healthcare system and excellent working conditions are very attractive to them. The competitive compensation and benefits and high quality of life that come with a U.S. nursing career also allow them to provide themselves and their families the best lifestyle. Most importantly, the opportunity for permanent residence and citizenship in the U.S. give them the lifetime security that they’ve always longed for, as this is not something that Philippine nurses can easily enjoy in the Philippines or even other countries.

Indeed, the opportunities in the United States are very compelling. But as with any other promise for a better life, there are also a number of things that Nurses must be prepared for: In this case, it’s the NCLEX.
The National Council Licensure Examination or the NCLEX is the examination that Nurses have to pass to be able to practice Nursing in the United States. This standardized test assesses the candidates’ knowledge and skills to ensure that Nurses have the competencies needed for effective patient care and safety. The NCLEX tackles four areas of practice, namely Safe and Effective Care Environment, Health Promotion and Maintenance, Psychosocial Integrity and Physiological Integrity. The NCLEX is a computer-adaptive test, meaning that its questions’ quantity and level of difficulty adjusts to how a Nurse has been answering the previous ones in real-time. This means that no two Nurses would usually get the same set of questions, and the quantity of questions can also differ among Nurses.
The NCLEX is admittedly one of the most difficult Nursing examinations to pass, with usually only a little less than half of takers passing it. With this, you might find the following tips useful if you plan on taking it soon.
Start now. The earlier that you start reviewing for the NCLEX, the better. We noticed that fresh graduates tend to have an easier time preparing for and passing it because they’re still as academically-oriented as they were in school. They’re also usually not employed yet so they don’t have to unlearn certain practices that might not be aligned with the concepts in the test. Not working yet also allows them to focus on reviewing for the exam instead of being preoccupied with work. But if it’s been so long since you graduated and you’re already working now, that should still be okay: The important thing is that you start preparing for it as soon as you can because no matter what happens, the review itself will take time.
Set a deadline for yourself. Another important fact that we discovered is that it usually takes Nurses 2 - 4 months to pass any kind of required exam. Nurses tend to perform in their exams better when they do intensive preparation within a short period of time as opposed to a less intensive preparation that’s spread out over a longer period of time. This may be attributed to the sense of urgency that comes with having to prepare within a limited amount of time or the tendency for people to remember information better when they learned it close to the present time. So instead of giving yourself 8 months to 1 year, try to allot a shorter period of time for you to pass it: This will bring you to the American Dream sooner as well.
Be proactive–If you need help, enroll in a review center. Preparing for the NCLEX is serious business, so you must have an unwavering initiative to stick to it. If you’re doing self-study, it’s important that you follow a consistent schedule for practicing different types of questions. You must also keep yourself organized by setting goals for yourself every week and planning out the corresponding topics and materials. You must also use multiple study resources to widen your understanding of the different topics. If you feel that you’ll be needing the extra nudge, enrolling in an esteemed NCLEX review center might be extremely helpful. Visa Solutions Healthcare has various partner review centers that can help you with all of these, as they can do all the scheduling, organization and materials preparation for you.
Be confident in yourself. The road to passing the NCLEX mustn’t be underestimated, but it’s not impossible either. Believing that passing it is something that you could really do, as long as you put the needed effort in, will definitely get you there. The preparation can get much harder when you start doubting yourself so do away with the negative self-talk and focus on the goal and the work that needs to be done.
Take care of yourself. Passing the NCLEX is key to the American Dream, but it is not the end-all and be-all of your existence. Remember that your health and well-being trumps everything else, so don’t forget to eat well, exercise, and take the rest that you need every now and then as you prepare for the NCLEX. At the end of the day, we don’t just want you to become a U.S. Nurse: We want you to become the best version of yourself.
We hope that all of these tips would be helpful to you as you work on your NCLEX. While you continue preparing for it, you might want to check out Visa Solutions Healthcare, our U.S. client that’s gaining popularity because of its direct hire USRN job vacancies. Continue scrolling to get inspired!

Visa Solutions has recruited thousands of foreign professionals to the U.S. on E.B.-3 visas since 2008. Visa Solutions Healthcare conducts its operations through its seven (7) offices worldwide, including one in the Philippines where it plans to make a mark on USRN recruitment. Unlike most other agencies that offer direct hire vacancies, VSH provides significant application support from the beginning until the end, even shouldering various application costs such as the NCLEX, IELTS/OET/PTE review and exam UPFRONT! It also provides relocation assistance to its workers and full support when it comes to their licensure and Green Card retrieval. Most importantly, VSH allows its candidates to bring their families to the U.S. with them–on the same day of their deployment! This ensures that Nurses have all of the mental and emotional support that they will need as they embark on their careers in the U.S.
VSH accepts NCLEX and non-NCLEX passers! Check out the details below for more information.
Staff Nurse Vacancies in Cardiology, Neurology, Oncology, Surgery, Orthopedic, General ICU, HDU, Maternal / OB, Med/Surg, and Others
Visa Solutions Healthcare, U.S.A
- 30 - 40 USD Hourly Salary depends on the PWD and your clinical experience
- Vacancies in Over 65 Acute Care Facilities / Hospitals / Medical Centers in various states such as NY, AK, CA, MT, NM, OR, TX and WA
- OT pay
- Direct Hire, Immigrant Visa Vacancies
- Test preparation and processing assistance for NCLEX and English language exam
- Cost of 1 take of NCLEX, IELTS/OET, PTE, and Visa Screen to be shouldered by the employer UPFRONT
- Relocation Support (1-way flight to the U.S., arrival bonus, free 1 month accommodation and more)
- Family / Dependent Migration Support
- Free Medical Insurance
- Annual Leave
- U.S. Citizenship Eligibility after 5 years
- 3-Year contract
- No placement or Processing fee
- At least 2 Year post-license and current clinical experience
- Must be currently employed
- NCLEX or Non-NCLEX passers are welcome to apply
Placement through a U.S.-based immigration agency that's been in operations since 2008
Recruited thousands of professionals on E.B.-3 immigrant visa
Has 7 offices in 4 different continents, the newest of which is located in the Philippines
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Contact Aila through +63917-128 4132 / +63998-293 2051
Abba Personnel Services Inc.
Upper Ground Floor, North Podium
Pioneer Highlands, Pioneer St. cor EDSA
Mandaluyong City 1550 Philippines